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  Shear Strengthening
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Shear strengthening

Shear strengthening of RC members using FRP may be provided by bonding the external reinforcement with the principal fibre direction as parallel as practically possible to that of maximum principal tensile stresses, so that the effectiveness of FRP is maximised. For the most common case of structural members subjected to lateral loads, the maximum principal stress trajectories in the shear-critical zones form an angle with the member axis that may be taken roughly equal to 45°. However, it is normally more practical to attach the external FRP reinforcement with the principal fibre direction perpendicular to the member axis.



  Examples of shear strengthening with:
(a) closed (properly anchored) jackets
(b) discrete strips anchored in the compression zone
(c) open jackets.

The option "Closed jacket" or "Open jacket" is selected, depending on the type of strengthening system used. Shear strengthening of columns where all four sides are accessible is typically of the closed-type. Moreover, shear strengthening of T-beams with mechanical anchorage systems that ensure perfect anchorage of the FRP in the compression zone may be considered of the closed-type too. This is the case, for instance, with the CarboShear elements, if sufficient anchorage length is available through the slab. For these particular elements, if the anchorage length is less than 300 mm, it is recommended to take a solution, calculated by linear interpolation between "Closed jacket" and "Open jacket", that is to run the programme for both cases and adopt the value by linear interpolation. Consult also the technical datasheet and design recommendation of this product.
Closed jackets or properly anchored strips are always preferable compared with open jackets, as in the latter case the FRP is debonding prematurely and is, therefore, of reduced effectiveness.
The external FRP reinforcement may be treated in analogy to the internal steel (accepting that the FRP carries only normal stresses in the principal FRP material direction), assuming that at the ultimate limit state in shear (concrete diagonal tension) the FRP develops an effective strain in the principal material direction, f,e which is, in general, less than the tensile failure strain, fu. The effective strain depends on the degree of FRP debonding when the shear capacity of the RC is reached, that depends on the type of anchorage (properly anchored FRP, e.g. closed jackets, versus poorly anchored FRP, i.e. open jackets). Hence, the shear capacity of a strengthened element may be calculated according to Eurocode 2.


Vfd is the contribution of FRP to the member's shear capacity. Ef is the elastic modulus of FRP, b is the width of the cross section, d is the static (or effective) depth, is the angle between the principal FRP fibre orientation and the longitudinal axis of the member, fd,e is the design value of the effective FRP strain and rf is the FRP reinforcement ratio, equal to (2tf/b)sin for continuously bonded FRP of thickness tf, or (2tf/b)(bf/sf) for FRP reinforcement in the form of strips or sheets of width bf (perpendicular to the fibre orientation) at a spacing sf (axis to axis of strips along the member axis).

In the above, fcm is the mean compressive strength of concrete in N/mm2, Ef is taken in kN/mm2, k is a constant relating the characteristic to the mean value of the effective FRP strain (default: k = 0.8) and f is the FRP material safety factor. The f factor depends on the type of FRP material as well as on the failure mode governing shear design.

The first term (described in eqs. (1.3.3a), (1.3.3b) and (1.3.4) in the help function) corresponds to FRP fracture (when the member's shear capacity is reached), hence the use of f,f (= 1.20 for CFRP, 1.25 for AFRP, 1.30 for GFRP), the second term in eq. (1.3.3 of help function) corresponds to FRP debonding, hence the use of f,b (= 1.30), and the last term is taken (with f,l = 1.25) if it is desired to limit the FRP strain in order to maintain the integrity of concrete and secure activation of the aggregate interlock mechanism. It should be noted that these FRP material factors may be changed through "Options".

The thickness of FRP required to provide a shear resistance equal to Vfd will be calculated.

After the input of the effective thickness of the FRP - layer, the number of layers and the effective reinforcing shear capacity can be calculated.

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