The aim of this software is to assist the user in calculating
the FRP dimensions required to provide
(a) flexural strengthening incl. bond check,
(b) shear strengthening and
(c) confinement
These three topics are treated in the guideline, which present
the theoretical basis of the calculations.
The equations used in this program are given in the fib Bulletin
No. 14, July 2001: "Design and use of Externally Bonded
FRP Reinforcement for RC Structures".
These sites are explained exactly in the "help - function"
of the design - software, incl. the formulas used for calculation
and input data.
The software has been developed for the Design with Sika
CarboDur Composite Strengthening Systems to increase the Flexural,
Shear and Confinement Strength of Reinforced Concrete Structures.
The program was developed in collaboration with the Department
of Civil Engineering, University of Patras, Greece.
Best regards
Zurich, December 2002